Trek to Surf

Our Surf backpack makes the walk to your favorite lineup an efficient, clean, stress free journey. Koraloc surfing backpacks give you hands free mobility while your boards stay safe and secure, and your wetsuit, towel, and beach necessities are all stored away. Our surfboard carrying backpack makes it easy to navigate your trek and allows you to carry as many as 3 surfboards on your next pilgrimage to the sea.
How does this surf backpack help?
The Koraloc board bag can carry multiple boards hands free. The surf backpack makes it less stressful on the arms and back so you can walk farther with your gear. The board bag is also a great way to keep wax off of body parts and clothing.
Is there any way to lock up the surf backpack?
If theft is an issue where you surf, you can run a simple cable lock through three handles. Both side handles and the top handle. Cutting all 3 handles is difficult and ruins the backpack's functionality. Lock it to your bike or any available structure. You can also lock the main compartment of the bag by conjoining the two zippers with a small padlock.
What size boards can your surf backpack carry?
On a bike, it's best to use the bag with boards 6'8" and under. When hiking to your destination the bag can carry surfboards up to 8'.
What are some of the other features that this surfing backpack offers?
The Koraloc surfboard carrying backpack offers a wet dry bag where you can store your wetsuit. This hangs inside the main compartment of the pack where clothes, towels, wax, fins, and all other beach necessities can fit just like a traditional backpack.
How many boards can the Koraloc board bag carry?
The board bag can carry one, two, or three boards.
When using your surf backpack, do surfboards hit the back of the legs?
No. Our surf backpack allows for surfboards to adjust upwards to allow for leg clearance. In addition to this feature, our board bag has an internal shell that provides distance in between the users back and surfboards. The shell is also built at an angle, so the bottom of your surfboards tilt away from the legs.
Are there any other backpacks for surf that can do what your backpack does?
No. Our surf backpack is the only one on the market that can carry multiple boards vertically.